英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 12:53:10
  • 单语例句

  • 双语例句

1. National team training will commence in Shenyang on July 22, and the team will depart for South Korea six days later.

2. It is scheduled to depart for Seattle on Saturday, according to ANA.

3. They may also depart if expectations for yuan appreciation diminish or the mainland economy shows any sign of slowdown again.

4. Kim was to travel later yesterday to China and then depart today for the DPRK, for a visit expected to last up to three days.

5. For travelers to have sufficient time to enjoy the natural beauty on the plateau, the passenger trains will depart in the morning and arrive in the evening.

6. Coach Matthias Sammer also let goalkeeper Jens Lehmann depart for Arsenal, all of which has forced the club to restock in a hurry.

7. It has submitted a bid for the 2017 World Athletic Championships, and has expressed interest in hosting the Grand Depart for the 2016 Tour de France.

8. He refused to take questions from reporters and gave no reason for his sudden decision to depart after months of controversy.

9. Mendoza said the device is not on a list of equipment that has to be functional for a plane to depart.

10. Two green sea turtles are to depart for Qingdao of Shandong province and will be released into their natural habitat.

depart for的翻译

1. We depart for the north with the tide.

2. They will depart from Beijing for Canada on May 23, 2005 to undertake 5 week research in Canada.
他们将在今年 5月23日集体赴加拿大进行为期5周的访问。

3. After the phone call from his wife, he resolved to depart for Haiti on Sunday, the very next day.

4. And they baked the meal, which a little before they had brought out of Egypt, in dough: and they made earth cakes unleavened: for it could not be leavened, the Egyptians pressing them to depart, and not suffering them to make any stay: neither did they think of preparing any meat.

5. Email us your flight number, terminal, time, both arrival and departure, if your time is during 8:00am-6:00pm, we could pick you up, if you arrive or depart during 6:01pm to the next day 7:59am, you could come by taxi (please find the map with chinese on about) or find a hotel(on your own cost, and please send us the address for picking up).

6. For depart outer excitation frequencies from structure inhere frequencies, the normal method was to adjust mass and stiffness on premise of static intensity being satisfied, so called dynamical optimization design with frequeney forbidden zone.

7. depart for的解释

7. Be not hasty to depart from his face, and do not continue in an evil work: for he will do all that pleaseth him

8. depart for在线翻译

8. Moreover, you are not to depart from the entrance of the meeting tent for seven days, until the days of your ordination are completed; for your ordination is to last for seven days.

9. Day 04/ Tozeur - El Jem-Sousse-Tunis: This morning you depart to El Jem, known in Roman times as Thysdrus and noted for its amphitheater, which is similar to the coliseum of Rome. The structure is remarkably well preserved with roughly half the structure standing at full height. Steps can be followed to the top.
第四天/托泽尔-伊尔杰姆斗兽场-苏斯-突尼斯:今天上午,您前往萨尔瓦多正义与平等运动,在古罗马时期著名的Thysdrus ,并指出其竞技场,这是类似体育馆的结构,保存完好,大约有一半的结构站在全面的高度。


10. This thesis combines theory with practice, past and present, comparing the tax system home and abroad, on the base of tax theory, analyze the existing problems of domestic tax system, drew lessons form foreign experience, raise the issue that combine Revenue and excise office, establish third-degree revenue, depart levying and checking, establish independent tax inspecting institute、revenue court、tax inspector, and offer solution and suggestion for this problems

11. The town collected to see them depart, and the children heard a rush of feet behind them for a few moments, but soon they were far down towards the valley; the little town with all its noise and life was high above them on its mountain peak.

12. depart for是什么意思

12. It came to pass, when the days of the death of Abraham drew near, that the Lord said to Michael: Arise and go to Abraham, my servant, and say to him, Thou shalt depart from life, for lo!

13. Nevertheless I tell thee the truth, for if the right hand of God had not been with thee at that time, thou also wouldst have had to depart from this life.

14. For although Geta was the first to depart from this life, we shall none the less follow our usual plan, that the first to be born and the first to begin his rule shall be the first to be described.

15. A well famaliar person all the time with you, easy to feel like nature; while depart, wanna going back together always. Still smile for his poor old jokes.

16. B: Do you think I`ll depart from my correct stand just for a mess of pottage?

17. For this thing I besought the Lord three times, that it might depart from me.
008 为这事,我三次求过主,叫这刺离开我。

18. Your attention please, due to train regulations, this train will depart shortly. We are sorry for any inconvinence caused.

19. depart for是什么意思

19. Depart from me, all of you evildoers: for I will keep the commandments of my God.
115 作恶的人哪,你们离开我吧!我好遵守我神的命令。

20. Please note that the ship will depart promptly at the designated time and please refer to the below table for gate closes time prior to ship`s departure time.

  • 临近词

On Saturday, the eve of the game, the Rossoneri will undergo a morning training session and then depart for Bologna in the afternoon.(周六上午,红黑军团将在上午训练,并在下午前往博洛尼亚。)
Buildings without roofs, for example, are unusual because they depart from the norm.(例如,没有屋顶的建筑是不常见的,因为它们不符合常规。)
I expect to depart for Chicago on Monday.(我希望星期一去芝加哥。)
Mornings and evenings tend to be the busiest as people depart for and return from business trips. The overnight shift is the least busy.(早班和晚班是人们离境和返岗最多的时候,而通宵班是最闲的时候。)
Depart for Manila. Upon arrival, meet and transferred to Puerto Galera by car and boat.(出发前往马尼拉,抵达后转乘专车及船往酒店。)
Japanese whaling fleets depart for annual whaling hunts in the Southern Ocean in mid-November citing scientific research purposes.(每年日本捕鲸舰队11月中旬出发,为科研目的前往南极海域捕鲸。)
But two boats have been disabled, allegedly by Israeli sabotage, and now Greece says it will not allow the six ships docked in its ports to depart for Gaza.(但有两艘船坏了,据称是遭到以色列的破坏。现在希腊说,他们不允许停泊在希腊港口的六艘船启程前往加沙。)
The two young men were staying at the Leaky Cauldron in London, preparing to depart for Greece the following morning, when an owl arrived bearing news of Dumbledore's mother's death.(两个年轻人住在伦敦的破釜酒吧,准备第二天动身去希腊,一只猫头鹰带来了邓布利多母亲的死讯。)
Then he will say to those on his left, `Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels.(王又要向那左边的说:‘你们这被咒诅的人,离开我,进入那为魔鬼和他的使者所预备的永火里去!)
So if he leaves us for good now, if this is indeed his final act, he couldn't depart for a more noble cause than to take care of his young daughter and the rest of his family.(如果他此去不返,如果这真的是他的最后表演,那么没有什么比去照顾自己的小女儿以及家人更能成为他离去的理由了。)
depart for是什么意思 depart for在线翻译 depart for什么意思 depart for的意思 depart for的翻译 depart for的解释 depart for的发音 depart for的同义词